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eISSN 2582-0427 || || Crossref Member || UGC-CARE Enlisted || Journal Impact Factor

Covid-19 Pandemic: Re-Reading William Wordsworth’s Selected Nature Poems For A Panacea

Poets and panorama are inextricably connected as man’s visual sensory motor organ always anticipates in response to its recipience. It recreates an additional faculty of imagination in poet’s mind that resonates with the random recipience and the most influential and impactful get a transformational embodiment in the generational process through a poet’s aesthetic and synthetic version of thought process thereby taking representation in poetry form. William Wordsworth’s poetry embodies the same after going through all the filtering process in mind and Muse. The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic onslaught in the world and the ‘trial and error’ process of the governments and policy makers across the world relating to invention of an effective inoculation against the virus as a part of permanent panacea with no reportedly handy solution so far at hand could not but lead the world into a state of apathy and anarchy in respect to mental and psychological kept-up,and the pandemic paranoid fevered minds across the globe seek an intermediary alternatives for solace and salvation of their suffering souls and to remain abode and oblivious of the ongoing onslaught. In this connection, re-reading and re-interpreting Wordsworth’s nature poetry could serve as an intermediary panacea to pacify the panic and phobia as well as to introspect the inner self in respect to man’s works and deeds that how far man’s activities could be liable for the present global threat in the guise ofCovid-19 (Corona Virus Disease 2019).

Keywords: poetry, panorama, imagination, salvation, William Wordsworth

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