
- Ensemble is a bi-lingual peer-reviewed academic journal that facilitates scholarly communication in the academic realm.
- Ensemble is a platter, actually a gateway to the knowledge house for academicians, faculty members, researcher scholars, authors, students and other segments of the society alike.
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The word terrorism means the deliberate creation and exploitation of fear for bringing about political change. All terrorist acts involve violence or—equally important—the threat of violence. The form of violence takes place on the name of language, tribal group ethnicity and religion. TPLF is one of the examples in North East Africa and in Horn consistently believe in violence on the pretext of one or the other mentioned above. The history explains that the violence cannot be justify today on the name of EPRDF movement/Marxist dominance or CIA supported antiterrorist/Capitalist ideology connecting international links. Further, the violence with the international weapon system doesn’t misnomer with international solidarity. The current crisis in Ethiopia ultimately is the geopolitical gluttony of lust for power, American pang of hunger of absolute control on oil and mineral resources on the name of terrorism and TPLF excitement of re-crafting ideology for the Tigre empire and future its secession as Tigre independent State. The ultimate loss to the Horn of Africa destabilization, which is fighting against all odds of natural calamity and weapon movement in this region.
This research paper was undertaken to study the attitudes of B.Ed. student-teachers towards online coaching. The data was collected in two-phase, Firstly by self-made questionnaire form wherein twenty-five questions were pioneered having 20 positives and 5 negative items along with the five-point Likert scale of strongly agree, agree, don’t know, disagree, strongly disagree carrying a weightage of 5,4,3,2,1 for the positive item and just the reverse in case of the negative item and secondly, an interview session was taken to all the participants to know the suggestions they have to overcome the challenges of online coaching. A total of 300 students have selected randomly of which 150 students were from the rural area and the other 150 students were from the urban area. To analyze the data; Frequency, Percentage, Mean, Standard deviation (S.D.), and ‘t’ test was used. Results revealed that overall 74 percent of B.Ed. student-teachers gave a positive attitude towards online coaching and 26 percent of B.Ed. student-teachers gave a negative attitude towards online coaching. Also, there was a significant difference in the attitudes toward online coaching among different variables. There were no significant differences found in the attitudes of rural and urban B.Ed. student-teachers.
The mean aim of the present study was to explore the relationship between the coping strategies and psychological well-being of college students hurt in relationship. Purposive sample of 322 students are taken as sample for the present study. The participants are recruited students from main campus studying in various departments of Karnataka University, Dharwad respondents selected through using simple random sampling and Dharwad was research area. The researcher employed COPE Inventory, scale developed by Carver (1989), which measured coping in 15 areas The full length version of the COPE Inventory was used to measure stress coping skills and Ryff’s Psychological Well-Being Scale (1995) This is a 18 item scale used to assess the psychological well-being .Pearson correlation coefficients and Stepwise multiple regression were employed in the analysis to find out the relationship between coping and psychological wellbeing and to predict psychological wellbeing from coping strategies. Results revealed that a total of 63.5% of the psychological wellbeing contributed by 11 coping strategies of the students hurt in relationship. Positive reinterpretation and growth, Focus on and venting of emotions and Behavioral disengagement coping strategies contributed maximum to the psychological wellbeing of the sample hurt in relationships. Denial, active coping, acceptance, use of emotional social support, use of instrumental social support and planning contributed least to the psychological wellbeing. Religious coping and restraint coping strategies moderately contributed to psychological wellbeing
‘The Sick Role’, a concept developed by Talcott Parsons constitutes a specific sociological concern regarding the diseased identity in society. In light of this approach, the doctor-patient relationship, ideally based on a paternal-authoritative model, needs to be viewed beyond its intersubjective nature, since the diseased and dependent body is not only that of an ‘individual’, but also a part of society. The involvement of the doctor, or the local administration, in health and development, makes the issue significant— in terms of Medical Humanities, seen through a literary-sociological perspective. This paper proposes to explore the notion of ‘the sick role’ with reference to two Bengali texts by Manik Bandyopadhyay and Tarasankar Bandyopadhyay, featuring the colonial and post-independent situations of healthcare and development in Bengal.
Abstract This paper will try to explore Bollywood’s reception and treatment of homosocial relation-ship. Exploiting the concept of ‘Bromance’ which has a close association with male homo-sociality, and projecting an asexual but emotional bonding, some Bollywood productions venture on showing a strong tie of friendship between boys. Unfortunately, the stories gen-erally show that the entry or subsequent mediation of any woman tell upon that bonding and the ‘boys’ try hard to resist that entry into their homosocial space. This construction of an ‘all male world’ is problematised when these productions are analysed through the lens of the Bollywood ideology that promotes a normative cultural discourse to the pan-Indian au-dience and dares not to embrace any deviating or alternative cultural standpoint. […]
Political dynamics of space and place are associated with different socio-economic factors that also influence local grass-root level politics of a region. Geo-ethnicity is the main discourse of public demonstrations with mass participation and evolved as a core issue of these types of socio-political movements. In this paper, an attempt has been made to explain spatial dynamics of numerous small socio-political movements against anthropogenic destruction of various residual hills particularly located in Ramonigora, Danurdi-Palgara area and other mouzas of Barrah gram panchayat of Kashipur Block in Purulia district, West Bengal from 2015-18. The present study is based on intensive field work, household survey and interviews to analyze the identification of spatial characteristics of public protests of local Adibasi-Mulbasi (tribal and indigenous) people. This paper also intends to establish an alternative political counter discourse with spatial significance and dynamics of place.
The word terrorism means the deliberate creation and exploitation of fear for bringing about political change. All terrorist acts involve violence or—equally important—the threat of violence. The form of violence takes place on the name of language, tribal group ethnicity and religion. TPLF is one of the examples in North East Africa and in Horn consistently believe in violence on the pretext of one or the other mentioned above. The history explains that the violence cannot be justify today on the name of EPRDF movement/Marxist dominance or CIA supported antiterrorist/Capitalist ideology connecting international links. Further, the violence with the international weapon system doesn’t misnomer with international solidarity. The current crisis in Ethiopia ultimately is the geopolitical gluttony of lust for power, American pang of hunger of absolute control on oil and mineral resources on the name of terrorism and TPLF excitement of re-crafting ideology for the Tigre empire and future its secession as Tigre independent State. The ultimate loss to the Horn of Africa destabilization, which is fighting against all odds of natural calamity and weapon movement in this region.
- ‘Africa and the Sustainable Development Goals’ by Maano Ramutsindela and David Mickler (Eds.)
Published on: August 20th, 2021Mukunda Mishra Assistant Professor (Senior Scale) in Geography and Designated Vice Principal, Dr. Meghnad Saha College, Ranipur, P.O. Tilna, P.S. Itahar, Uttar Dinajpur, West Bengal, IndiaDownload Complete Review
- Covid-19 Pandemic Trajectory In The Developing World: Exploring The Changing Environmental And Economic Milieus In India: By Mukunda Mishra And R.B. Singh (EDS.)
Published on: August 20th, 2021Rupai Hembram Assistant Professor Dr. Meghnad Saha College, Ranipur, P.O. Tilna, P.S. Itahar, Uttar Dinajpur, West Bengal, IndiaDownload Complete Review
- ‘New Directions in the Ethics of Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia’ By Michaei Cholbi And Jukka Varelius (Eds.)
Published on: August 20th, 2021Sourav Madhur Dey Assistant Professor, DEPT. OF SOCIOLOGY, THE UNIVERSITY OF BURDWAN, BURDWANDownload Complete Review
The present study seeks to find a reliant philosophy of development in the post COVID-19 times to come. Since being contiguous, the Novelcoronavirus has switched almost every human activity uncertain all over the world. Rather the health emergency in this pandemic has strangled human existence on this planet which every country and government are fighting against. Like many others, global economy and development are under severe threat that tend us to chalk out a theorem to be mechanized for bringing the global village back into normalcy. The paper delves deeper to establish a connection of development with wellbeing, keeping human resource at the center of significance. It also measures the interrelation of wealth, economy and development with human resource and suggests a balanced prioritization of the same in terms of accelerating Gross Domestic Product (GDP). As the future after COVID 19 will not be the same like before, even after the pandemic being over, the proposed theorem tries to contemplate the global economy with a new outlook of long-term development.