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eISSN 2582-0427 || || Crossref Member || UGC-CARE Enlisted || Journal Impact Factor

Inter-linkage between the health status and socio-economic life of Indian Elderly: An exploration based on 71st Round of NSS data

Like many other countries in the world, India is also in the process of major age-related structural changes with an acceleration of growth in its elderly populations. The present study focused on economic independence and living arrangements and about how such factors shape perceived health status among the elderly. On the basis of the unit level data from the NSS 71st Round taken for the18 major Indian states, an attempt was made in this analysis to establish the inter-linkage between the perceived health status and the financial self-dependence along with aspects of filial status and the factor of co-residence.“Self-reported health status” has been used as a response variable in the present study. The perception of “Poor” health status was significantly reported more by the economically dependent elderly as compared to their independent counterparts, irrespective of their place of residence. The study found that when the elderly are co-residing with their spouse, psychologically they remain more satisfied and on such occasions fifty percent or more of them expressed their health status to be either excellent or good. It has also been empirically found that whenever the elderly lack financial autonomy, they are increasingly found to reveal poor health status may be because of feeling mentally distressed and are having low self-esteem.

Key words: Ageing, Health, Living Arrangement, Economic Independence


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